Sunday, November 22, 2009


This past Wednesday was Corporate Service Day, and with an opportunity to miss some work and still get paid at my fingertips, I jumped at the idea and became a team leader. I chose to work at the American Red Cross and we ended up with the biggest group of volunteers of all the 20 projects being done that day! It was hilarious being team leader because everyone expected me to know exactly what was going on and be in charge of all these people who in any other circumstances would have been telling ME what to do. Stella and I were assigned to the job of mural painting, and everyone else went to work doing other fun little crafts and jobs. We had an amazing day painting and picture taking.
My most embarrassing moment of the day was when the head Red Cross guy came in and said, "Who is in charge here?" And I, in my pipe cleaner glasses and camera in hand, whip around and say "That's me!" Then I quickly turned around to go shake his hand and trip on a cord and send myself flailing across the room toward him. GREAT first impression. Niiiiice, Carly.


Lauren Kay said...

Hahaha! I like you! 4 days! Yay!