Tuesday, June 30, 2009


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It was so nice to have so many people come celebrate my birthday with me last night... I think this was the biggest turnout I've EVER had to a birthday party (pathetic right? but I blame it on the fact that all my friends are usually traveling on the blessed day). Anyway, it was especially great when the Max Brenner hostess looked at me with surprise and said, "Guuurl. fiteen? damn! you sai fiteen? naw I don't think so. we can't do dat. uh uuuh. damn girl." haha I was like "I called this morning and they said it would be just fine." Then she just looked at me like I was crazy and went to talk to her manager.  Is it so much to ask of a famous chocolate restaurant to have enough room for a modestly-sized birthday party on a MONDAY night? sheesh. 


Angie said...

How fun! Happy birthday! You would've had 17 but we're entertaining family. Glad you had a great birthday!

Unknown said...

I FINALLY showed up on your blog. YES! One more objective off the dream board.

Lauren Kay said...

I loved how you pheonetically wrote out the waitresse's comment. So perfect. And, it makes me happy there's a picture of Liz! Yay! You're friends!